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This will be a Learnathon kind of workshop. It is a free event and open to everybody who is interested.

Eventbrite - Session eValais.ch : Data Science Learnathon: From Raw Data to Deployment

What is a learnathon? A learnathon is in between a hackathon and a workshop. It’s like a workshop because we’ll learn more about the data science cycle – data access, data blending, data preparation, model training, optimization, testing, and deployment. It’s like a hackathon because we’ll work in groups to hack a workflow-based solution to guided exercises.

During the learnathon we will cover the whole data science cycle, from the raw data to the final application on a production machine. That is: data access, data blending, data preparation, model training, optimization, testing, and finally deployment. The tool of choice for this Learnathon is KNIME Analytics Platform. ( https://www.knime.com/knime-analytics-platform ). However, because KNIME is open, it offers great integrations with an IDE environment for R, Python; SQL, and Spark.

After an initial introduction to the tool and to the data science cycle, we will split in groups. Each group will focus on one of three aspects of the data science cycle:

  • Group 1. Working on the raw data. Data Access and Data Preparation
  • Group 2. Machine Learning. Which model shall I use? Which parameters?
  • Group 3. I have a great model. Now what? This is the Model Deployment phase

We will provide a few datasets, jump-start workflows and final solutions for the proposed tasks, and of course data science experts. Please bring your own laptop with KNIME Analytics Platform pre-installed. To install KNIME Analytics Platform, follow the instructions provided in these YouTube videos:

Windows (https://youtu.be/yeHblDxakLk)
Mac (https://youtu.be/1jvRWryJ220)
Linux (https://youtu.be/wibggQYr4ZA)

If you would like to get familiar with KNIME Analytics Platform, you can explore the content of our E-learning course (https://www.knime.com/knime-introductory-course).

Please also download the workshop material (jump-start workflows and instructions) from here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/f9wqpyfxjxvlgo0/Learnathon_2018.knar?dl=0).
We will import this material during the Learnathon.

Here’s a more detailed AGENDA of the event.

  • 6:00-6:20 PM: Reception
  • 6:20-6:30 PM: Welcome by Dominique Genoud, Professor @ HES-SO Valais-Wallis
  • 6:30-6:50 PM: Introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform by Jérôme Treboux PhD Studend @ HES-SO Valais-Wallis
  • 6:50-7:10 PM: Presentation: The Data Science Cycle: From raw data to deployment by Rosaria Silipo @ KNIME
  • 7:10-7:20 PM: Data sets and task presentation; group formation
  • 7:20-10:00 PM : Let’s work & learn!
  • 10:00 PM : Networking

Free admission but registration required

Adresse: HES-SO Valais-Wallis – Rte de la Plaine 2 – Sierre – Room 405/6

Partners : KNIME, eValais.ch, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Fondation The Ark

Are you ready to learn?